Join my 4-Week Storytelling Accelerator to redefine, reposition and reenergise your business’ narrative from the inside out.

I knew Alex was someone I needed to get involved in our business.

Alex is insightful, meticulous and can very quickly clear the clutter away and reveal the essence of a subject and the real story that needs to be told.

I wholeheartedly recommend Alex for any work on brand messaging and communication development specific for your business and target market.
— Dennis WIlliams, AES Africa

You’ve developed a revolutionary product, but the sound of crickets is deafening.

Perhaps you think you need more features, a lower price, or maybe even louder marketing.

In my experience, here’s what I’ve heard:

  • 'what we've built is complex and sophisticated, and the customer will know what we are talking about. If not, they're idiots'

  • 'we don't need stories, we have numbers and data, and that's enough'

  • 'we have to make viral content, that's how to get ahead'

  • 'to get ahead of the noise, you have to make even more noise'

But here’s the twist: it’s none of those things.

It’s about being clearer, simpler and more human.

Storytelling, not louder selling, unlocks the true potential of your business.

These days, your audiences are people you will almost certainly never meet in person. This means that you have to create rapport, credibility and interest through a screen, and get most of that done within the first 15 seconds.

And you do that by helping them understand the unique way that you solve their most persistent problems, instead of spouting more features or techno-speak.

Whether it’s blockchain, biotech to bricklaying, it’s the same principle.

It's not about selling or advertising or persuading.

It’s about articulating a real-world challenge that you know your audience faces, while also co-creating a new future state where things can be different.

That's what I call the psychological sale.

In this intensive, hands-on 4-week programme, you will work with me to:

  • Define, tweak, revise or create your storytelling essentials 

  • Work in the company of like minds, also seeking to tell a better story 

  • Articulate the core problem that you solve with ease and clarity 

  • Determine the exact moment of your psychological sale using my C-R-O-P-S Storybuilding Methodology

  • Simplify and distill the complex or niche parts of your business, so that they make you stand out, instead of work against you 

  • Sow the seeds of a clear culture of communication within your business, based on customer-centric problem solving, clear thinking and commitment to your mission

What you’ll get:

  • 4 x 1-on-1 power sessions with Alex

    Together we’ll distil or redefine core elements of your proposition for maximum impact & brevity with your primary digital audience, as well as clarify a strong call-to-action

  • Full custom communication strategy & implementation playbook

    A new comprehensive playbook co-created with you, reframing or recreating your problem solving story based on the CROPS methodology

  • High quality video & written content

    Taken from our live sessions and re-edited & recurated as usable video & written content to excite your audience about the evolution of your business narrative

  • Custom GPT knowledge library

    Done-for-you AI-trained knowledge hub based on all of our work we’ll be doing together. Make use of this resource to create new content, capture notes and update the evolving story structure

  • Digital Presentations Course

    Valued at $249, enjoy exclusive access to my online digital presentation skills course, ideal for founders, business owners & customer-facing teams.

  • For-life access to the Humble Mind community

    Lifetime access to the Humble Mind learning + support community of entrepeneurs and like-minds (valued at $499 per year)

What is the C-R-O-P-S Storybuilding Methodology?

Good storytelling is the ability to articulate and diagnose a real-world challenge that your audience faces, while also co-creating a new future state where things can be different.

Over the past 12+ years, I’ve engineered a rock-solid methodology to build storytelling frameworks for 75+ international clients and businesses.

This methodology is at the heart of our Storytelling Accelerator, which will help to unlock your unique moment of psychological sale, as well as excite new & existing customers.

  • Keep messaging simple & clear

    True value is easy to express

    Stop the scroll with authenticity

    Memorable contrasts

  • Set format & rhythm of content

    Align your team

    Social value of customer stories

    Play the long game

  • Control the flow and order of information

    Remove friction

    What’s it like working with you?

    Give decision makers what they are looking for

  • Double down on your own personal experience or story (your why)

    Don’t sell - focus on problem solving

    Ask questions

    Tell stories of previous related wins

  • No jargon, buzzwords

    Don’t get technical

    Be refreshingly unfluffy

    Complexity without complication

People who work with me have enjoyed:

  • The fresh space to fundamentally rethink their business, product and strategies from their customer's perspective (sometimes for the very first time)

  • My electric, hands-on online workshop style and practical nature of sessions. Roll up your sleeves, grab a coffee and let’s get stuck in!

  • The variety of working 1-1 with me and in groups with other founders

  • Access to the Humble Mind community as a learning and support network of curious like-minds

Alex is PRO.
I revel in his sheer talent (with envy, I might add).

For me his superpower is in his ability to cut through to “the meat of it”. I love how Alex spars - he does this at a “God Mode” level.

He truly knows how to create “safe space” - he powers people to just ramble, and all-the-while he effortlessly picks up nuggets, dusts them off + converts them to gold.

He’s just great. A real value to the team. And a brilliant trainer.
— Alon Lichtenstein, Founder Hangar49
In my interactions with Alex, I’ve been consistently impressed by his intuitive leadership and innovative mindset. His deep curiosity enhances his ability to forge meaningful connections and how he gives his entire attention to the person before him.

Alex’s expertise in building creative business solutions and his extensive specialized network makes him an invaluable asset to the projects I work on.
— John Wiley, Director of Strategy Meridian 84

Imagine discovering that the missing piece isn’t a better product but a better story. 

While others focus on features and noise, you connect, solve and lead with a highly original positioning that matters to your customer’s ultimate objectives.

I’m so confident in the results that my C-R-O-P-S Storybuilding Methodology, I offer the following pledge:

Feel a profound shift in your business's narrative or continue working with me for free until you do.

Your journey to storytelling mastery is risk-free. With the Storytelling Success Pledge, you embark on this transformation with the assurance of tweaking, improving or levelling up your business’ core narrative.

Book now to begin the journey to becoming a master storyteller, the voice your market can’t wait to hear.

The Storytelling Success Pledge.

Are you ready to fundamentally rethink your business’ story for the better?

Book now by clicking the link below and we’ll get started with preparations for our first session together.

There will also be an opportunity to send me any materials, content or other references to review before our first session, so that I have full context and we make the most of our time together.

I look forward to working with you and making the difference that your audience will notice.